What is it about?
High upfront investment costs are a recurring challenge for many circular economy initiatives. The Horizon Europe project DEvelopers of CIrcular SOlutions (DECISO) will support European cities and regions to develop financing schemes for circular economy initiatives. DECISO partners will set up four pilot projects in Hamburg (DE), Alentejo (PT), Northwest Germany (DE) and West Macedonia (EL). The pilots will cover different sectors: waste, water, energy and agrifood. Integrating input from stakeholders along the value chain will allow developing robust business plans. Based on this, DECISO will establish guidelines for financing schemes which other European cities and regions can use for their circular economy initiatives.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program HORIZON-CL6-2022 under Grant Agreement No 101082232
KOYS’s role
We analyse the PDAs’ sustainability and replicability in other contexts and countries.
Find here more details about the DECISO project